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Meet Artavia

My Vision

Nutrition and portion control are the main points of focus in my fitness journey. I understand that you cannot outwork a bad diet. You also have to stay in a caloric deficit if you want to see the scale move-simple math right? Cool. Next, I want to bring about a love for physical activity instead of the "gym anxiety" I get when I know it has to be done. So to counter that, I incorporate not only the gym, but in and outdoor activities to get those workouts in. Let's get it done!

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Encouraging Self Development In Every Aspect of Your Life

I'm learning to respect myself. I have a tendency to show up and 'go hard' for others and at one point in my life I did the same for myself. At some point in my journey I became lax. I began putting myself on the back burner. Pushing away from past disappointment and heartache gave me fresh eyes to see that I was wasting precious time. I am devoted to Self Love. For me that looks like going after all my heart desires with no apologies. Join me on this journey and let's see how far we can go!

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