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Making The Right Choices During Emotional Turmoil

Updated: Feb 5, 2023

During times of Emotional Turmoil, it's imperative that you keep your goals intact. Everyday is not going to be a good day-we are ALL human. When these moments happen, it's easy to knock down anything with sugar (especially ice cream) to pacify our feelings. Once you're aware this mood is approaching, take a moment to revisit your list of "why's". If you haven't made a list of "why's" or even have a remote idea of what I'm talking about, let me give you a refresher: Your list of "why's" are your reasons on why you've decided to make the lifestyle change to eat clean and work on your physical fitness. Whether it be something simple such as vanity or a more serious issue such as a medical condition. Your "why's" list can be as short or long as you want or need it to be! Taking a look back at the list in the moments of weakness will sway you to stay on track. Example: - Get Into A Pair of Jeans - Lower Blood Pressure - Avoid Diabetes - Ability to Run Around With Kiddos - Train for a 5K - etc...

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